Infrared remote sensing of atmospheres of Earth-like planets

Category: My Works

In February and March 2013 I conducted an internship (according to the master-curriculum in atmospheric science) at the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) within the Remote Sensing Department (IMF) in the Institute Atmospheric Processors (ATP) (see IMF-ATP) in Oberpfaffenhofen. In that internship I was working on examine the feasibility of atmospheric retrievals of atmospheres of Earth-like planets.

After the two month I held a presentation at the institute on the work I had done so far. This presentation you can find as a PDF-file in the following link ... (Infrared remote sensing of atmospheres of Earth-like planets.pdf). My advisor Dr. Franz Schreier held another presentation on an upcoming meeting in Erding (Germany) in which he also refered to some of my slides - quite proud on that ;). You will find this presentation (with some of my slides included) as a PDF-file here ... (Atmosphere Workshop II.pdf)